TOAST Exchange
Finding new paths for much-loved pieces
TOAST Exchange explores a garment’s life beyond its first wearer. To date we have found new paths for more than 3,000 much-loved pieces.
Our clothes swapping initiative launched in 2019 and has evolved into a series of swapping events taking place in TOAST Shops. During these events, there will be an opportunity to meet with some of our community and connect over stories of your garments.

TOAST Exchange Swapping Events
At one of our recent events, Julie found a handful of items to refresh her summer wardrobe. “Swapping has made me love my items more,” Julie explained. “Some pieces have been languishing in my wardrobe for some time but I have recently been encouraged to think more often about what I want to wear and why, selecting colours and styles I wouldn’t normally go for”.
Swap a TOAST item you’ve cherished for another at your local clothes swapping event on selected days throughout the year. Bring up to five worn TOAST garments to trade for tokens, which will then be assessed by our shop teams. Browse the pre-worn rails and exchange them for others to cherish and take home. Each item features a story label detailing its history from the previous wearer.
If you are unable to attend an event, you can visit our Bath, Edinburgh, or London Notting Hill shops, where you can browse a rail of Exchange pieces on any day throughout the year.

How does it work?
- Bring your pre-worn TOAST garments (up to 5 per visit) into a TOAST Shop. This should be something you once valued that you think could be valued by someone else. Would you give this item to someone?
- Complete a story label detailing how and where you wore your garment.
- Receive a token in exchange for each of your garments. The token will reflect the original value of your TOAST garment, as decided by the store team. There are three tiers: up to £150, £151-£250 and over £250.
- Explore the curated rails of pre-worn TOAST garments and trade your token to find new garments of the same tier.
- Any garments that remain after a period of 6 months will be processed through one of three streams: donating the items to a charity of our choice; TOAST upcycling scheme; fibre recycling. This will not impact your ability to use your tokens to select another garment.
What can you swap?
- You can swap up to 5 pre-worn garments that have been well cared for (free of faults such as rips, holes and stains). All items will be assessed using the TOAST Exchange Swapping Guide.
- We will not be able to accept any clothes that are damaged. The TOAST team can refuse any items brought to the event that do not meet the Exchange criteria.
- Garments must be clean and ironed.
- Due to the lower volume of menswear contributions, we cannot guarantee that menswear pieces will be available at each event for you to swap. We are able to accept menswear pieces in our Exchange events and we hope to increase the number of pieces in our Exchange programme for future seasons.
Our 2023 Social Conscience Report
Updating you on our progress, learnings and our next steps.